Media & Press Coverage
posted by Andrea Capocci on October 26, 2009 at 4:36 pm | no commentsin english
The Wild vs The Orderly: Folksonomies and Semantics (TRIPLE-I 2008)
Semantic Web Company, 4.9.2008
Citizen Science: How Smartphones Can Aid Scientific Research
Popular Mechanics Magazine, March 2009
Tag, You’re It: Scientists Describe Collaborative Tagging Sites like Del.icio.us
N. Swaminathan, ScientificAmerican.com, 23 January 2007
Folk Wisdom for Web Sites
Bohannon, J., ScienceNOW, 23 January 2007
Europe studies the Web 2.0 Phenomenon with TAGora,
Sante J. Achille, Multilingual Search, 20 July 2006,
Fragmented mirrors
Tisselli, E., Tags and maps, round table at the “Createurs singuliers” Symposium at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Geneva, Geneva, May 27th 2008.
Collaborative collection making
C. Cattuto, panel at the Sony Intensive Science event, La Maison Rouge, Paris, October 6-10th, 2006.
in german
Discovery Challenge 2009 – Die Literaturrecherche verbessern
publik Nr. 4, University of Kassel, May 2009
Nordhessen-Thema: Bücher jetzt einfacher verwalten
Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine, 22.12.2008.
Jagd auf die Hommingberger Gepardenforelle Sucurreng3.texhmaschinen und Soziale Software
G. Stumme, C. Schmitz, Presentation for B Braun AG, Kassel, 19.9. 2006
in italian
La strategia del tag
OggiScienza, 3rd July 2009,
Ecco come scegliamo i tag su internet. Il CNR: opportunità rivoluzionarie
Computerworld, 8th July 2009
Tagging e … problemi di testa
Innovazione, Idee, reti, business, 3rd July 2009
Tag antispam
Galileo, 3rd July 2009
Progetto italiano studia nuovo linguaggio rete: Un gruppo INFM-CNR studia lo sviluppo del
fenomeno “tagging”, che genera nuove modalità di categorizzazioni,
Corriere della Sera, 19 July 2006,
Al via un progetto di ricerca per studiare la dinamica della informazione sul web,
BUR.it – Bollettino Università & Ricerca, 18 July 2006,
Al via un progetto di ricerca per studiare la dinamica dell’informazione sul web,
Comportamento online, sotto c’è la matematica
Corriere dell’Università e del Lavoro, 5-18 February 2007, p. 6.
Dopo i bloggers arrivano i “taggers”: il nuovo fenomeno del web tra i nuovi punti del progetto “Tagora” del CNR
ITnews, 31 July 2006,
Dopo i bloggers arrivano i “taggers”: il nuovo fenomeno del web tra i nuovi punti del progetto “Tagora” del CNR
pc-facile.com, 2 August 2006
Tagora, studio italiano sulla folksonomy,
G. Dotta, HTML.it ,19 July 2006
Verso il web del futuro: Lo studio “Tagora” è rivolto alle dinamiche dell’informazione in Internet,
L. Frittella L., Rai.it, July 2006,
Come si spia il futuro di Internet
Gallavotti B., La Stampa, 28 March 2007
Gruppo studia linguaggio e dinamiche della rete
Broadcast&Video, n. 373, 21 July 2006, p. 12.
Tagora, lo studio del Web 2.0,
Guidolanda F., InternetNews, 24 July 2006
Internet: Dimmi come cataloghi…
Manacorda E., Galileo – Giornale di scienza e problemi globali, 4 August 2006,
Il web del futuro
Molinari C., Cached Blog, 1 August 2006,
Progetto “TAGora” sulle nuove dinamiche del web
Città della Scienza, 3 August 2006
Progetto “Tagora”: Semiotic Dynamics in on-line Social Communities,
Ricerca Italiana, 25 July 2006,
TAGora: ecco dove ci porterà il web
La Stampa Web, 31 July 2006
TAGora: esplorare le dinamiche del web
ADV News 24h, 3 August 2006
TAGora: esplorare le dinamiche del web
Amici Amici Magazine, n. 1518, 3 August 2006
TAGora: esplorare le dinamiche del web
Jugo, 31 July 2006
TAGora: un progetto italiano verso il web semantico, Googlisti.com, 26 July 2006
Tagora, studio italiano sulla folksonomy
Webnews.it 19 July 2006
Cataloghiamo tutto
Vittorio Loreto (PHYS-SAPIENZA), Radio 24, 16th August 2008.
Il tagging
Vittorio Loreto (PHYS-SAPIENZA), Radio 24, 15th August 2009
Complessità senza complessi,
Vittorio Loreto (PHYS-SAPIENZA), Italian Radio, Rai – Radio 3 Scienza, 24th April 2008.
Interview on complexity and on-line user behaviors
Ciro Cattuto, “Formica Blu” Radio Program, November 20th, 2007.
La lingua batte dove la fisica vuole
Vittorio Loreto (PHYS-SAPIENZA), Italian Radio, Rai – Radio 3 Scienza, , 23rd October 2007.
La fisica dei sistemi complessi
Vittorio Loreto (PHYS-SAPIENZA), Italian Radio, Rai – Radio 3 Scienza, , 20th September 2007.
Le masse sagge o pecorone, a scelta.
Vittorio Loreto (PHYS-SAPIENZA), Il volo delle Oche, Radio24, 1st July 2006.
Complessità, informazione e altre storie
Vittorio Loreto (PHYS-SAPIENZA), Rome Opera Theatre, Italy, 15th May 2008.
Caffè corretto con frattali: I sistemi complessi da Internet alle galassie
Ciro Cattuto and Vittorio Loreto, lecture at the Perugia Science Festival, September 8th, 2007, Perugia (Italy).
La nascita del consenso nei sistemi complessi: l’esempio del linguaggio
V. Loreto, round table on “La Nascita del Consenso” at the Roma Opera Theatre, Roma, May 31st, 2007.
Il web come sistema complesso: la gestione collaborativa della conoscenza,
C. Cattuto, round table on “La Nascita del Consenso” at the Roma Opera Theatre, Roma, May 31st, 2007.
Apriamo la mente. Lazio, terra di scienza
C. Cattuto, La complessità nel cyberspazio, Viterbo science festival, Viterbo (Italy), May 26th, 2007.
TAGora sponsoring Hypertext 2009
posted by Ciro Cattuto on June 27, 2009 at 1:03 pm | no commentsThe TAGora project is supporting the ACM Hypertext 2009″ conference, opening Monday 29th in Torino, Italy. TAGora will contribute to several aspects of HT09:
- a workshop on Tagging Dynamics in Online Communities
- a deployment of the Live Social Semantics application, in collaboration with the SocioPatterns project, following up on a successful deployment at the European Semantic Web Conference 2009
- a conference navigator and bookmarking system on top of the BibSonomy application
- a talk in track 2 by Andrea Capocci, Andrea Baldassarri, Vito Domenico Pietro Servedio and Vittorio Loreto, on Statistical properties of inter-arrival times distribution in social tagging systems
- a talk in track 2 by Rabeeh Abbasi and Steffen Staab, on RichVSM: enRiched Vector Space Models for Folksonomies
TAGora at WWW2009 and AIRWeb2009
posted by Ciro Cattuto on May 3, 2009 at 10:37 pm | no commentsTAGora was present at WWW2009 in Madrid with a paper on Evaluating Similarity Measures for Emergent Semantics of Social Tagging by Ben Markines, Ciro Cattuto, Fil Menczer, Dominik Benz, Andreas Hotho and Gerd Stumme. A paper on Social Spam Detection was presented by Ben Markines at the AIRWeb2009 workshop. Both contributions arise from a collaboration between TAGora members and the Indiana University School of Informatics.
HT09 workshop: Tagging Dynamics in Online Communities
posted by Andrea Capocci on March 27, 2009 at 7:23 pm | no commentsProposers
Vittorio Loreto
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Andrea Capocci
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
In the last few years, social annotation through the World Wide Web has shifted from its pioneering early stage to its current technological maturity: popular collaborative tagging communities are attended for many purposes by millions of users worldwide. The TAGora FET EU research project, among a wider community of scholars, has closely accompanied this evolution, by analyzing several collaborative networks born at a high rate during this time. Through deep statistical analysis, many common regularities have been uncovered throughout such systems. As a result, features found in such communities are now considered somewhat “universal”, telling researchers about the underlying social structure and semantics.
Moreover, the research groups involved in TAGora have directly impacted on such evolution, by conceiving and implementing novel projects and algorithms to enhance the power of online collaborative tagging. Websites such as Bibsonomy.org or applications such as MyTag and Tagster embody the wide knowledge developed within TAGora, taking advantage of the theoretical investigation and translating it into practical projects.
However, most of the theoretical work has not fully deployed its applicative potential yet. The study of relevance evaluation techniques, of multiple folksonomy integration and of the sociology of social tagging are still open to scientists’ contribution and the object of ongoing research. Accordingly, the workshop will consist in invited contributions reviewing the work already accomplished within TAGora by the authors themselves and possibly a small number of invited speakers, to disseminate to the general public the main results achieved so far and discuss newborn methods and future applications in such field with the community.
Workshop Program
Lectures will last 20 minutes + 10 minutes for questions and discussion
10.30-10.45 Vittorio Loreto (ISI, University “Sapienza” of Rome, Italy)
“An introduction and an Overview: 3 years of tagging”
10.45-11.15 Andrea Baldassarri (University “Sapienza” of Rome, Italy)
“Minimal Modelling of Folksonomies” pdf
The enormous increase of popularity and use of the WWW has led in the recent years to important changes in the ways people communicate. An interesting example of this fact is provided by the now very popular social annotation systems, through which users annotate resources (such as web pages or digital photographs) with text keywords dubbed tags. Understanding the rich emerging structures resulting from the uncoordinated actions of users calls for an interdisciplinary effort. In particular concepts borrowed from statistical physics, such as random walks, and the complex networks framework, can effectively contribute to the mathematical modeling of social annotation systems. Here we show that the process of social annotation can be seen as a collective but uncoordinated exploration of an underlying semantic space, pictured as a graph, through a series of random walks. This modeling framework reproduces several aspects, so far unexplained, of social annotation, among which the peculiar growth of
the size of the vocabulary used by the community and its complex network structure that represents an externalization of semantic
structures grounded in cognition and typically hard to access.
11.15-11.45 Andreas Hotho (University of Kassel, Germany)
“Tag Recommendation in Theory and Practice” pdf
In social bookmarking systems, tag recommenders support the user in assigning tags (ie, freely choosable keywords) to resources he is bookmarking. In our system BibSonomy, we have implemented several recommender techniques and a platform for evaluating different recommenders online. In this talk, we will discuss several recommender approaches that we have evaluated on the BibSonomy data and present the platform within the system. We will also summarize findings of the Knowledge Discovery Challenge of ECML PKDD 2008, which had tag recommendations in BibSonomy as topic, and will present this year’s Discovery Challenge which is on the same topic.
11.45-12.00 Coffee Break
12.00-12.30 Barteb Ochab (SONY-CSL)
“Tagging Usages in the Reality” pdf
As Part of the Tagora Project the SONY Computer science lab concentrated on applying tagging concepts on real world applications. For this purpose Peter Hanappe has initiated the “Linking Linke” project which utilised the vast archive of pictures by Armin Linke and allowed visitors to create their own unique image album. The project explores how coherent collections are made using the technologies of social tagging. The second project by CSL is the “NoiseTube”-project. It is a research project about a new participative approach for mapping and tagging noise pollution involving the general public. The idea is to extend the current usage of mobile phones by turning them into noise sensors enabling each citizen to measure and tag his everyday exposure to noise pollution in order to building a collective noise map with a semantic layer.
12.30-13.00 Martin Szomszor (University of Southampton, UK)
“Modelling Users’ Profiles and Interests based on Cross-Folksonomy Analysis” ppt
With the growth of Web2.0, it is becoming increasingly common for users to maintain a presence in more than one social networking site. For example, one might bookmark web pages in Delicious, upload images in Flickr, listen to music in Last.fm, blog in Technorati, etc. The nature of these pursuits naturally leads users to express different aspects of their interests, such as the places one has visited (through Flickr image tagging), the topics one reads about (through the bookmarking of websites), and the bands one listens too. We provide a set of linked data enabled web services to capture and process an individual’s distributed tagging activities, providing reasoning over tagging data (in the form of sense recognition), metadata about tag senses (for disambiguation), and the automatic suggestion of Profiles of Interests.
13.00-13.30 Rabeeh Abbasi (University of Koblenz, Germany)
“Discovering and Exploiting Semantics in Folksonomies”
Resources in Folksonomies are typically annotated very differently. Quite often there is only limited agreement on the choice of tags and users tend to annotate data with a limited vocabulary. The result is sparse data which makes it hard to find particular information. We combine location-based information of photos with tag annotations to recommend tags to the users when they upload their photos. Additionally, we enhance the feature vector representation by including semantic correlations. Finally, we show how the search experience is improved in the MyTag system by interactive word sense disambiguation.
Workshop Organizing Committee
Vittorio Loreto (University of Rome “La Sapienza” – ISI, Turin, Italy)
Steffen Staab (University of Koblenz, Germany)
Harith Alani (University of Southampton, UK)
Gerd Stumme (University of Kassel, Germany)
Luc Steels (Sony Computer Science Lab, Paris, France)
TAGora@Koblenz wins Ted Nelson Newcomer award
posted by Ciro Cattuto on February 3, 2009 at 10:24 pm | no commentsThe winter issue of the ACM SIGWEB newsletter features TAGora work by Klaas Dellschaft and Steffen Staab. Their contribution was awarded the Ted Nelson Newcomer Award at Hypertext 2008.
TAGora project started on June 1st 2006
Sixth Framework Programme, Information Society Technologies, IST call 5, Contract N. 34721
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