Documentation for Air Ambassadors

Since the start of the second phase is approaching, we have prepared a few documents that will help our Air Ambassadors getting familiar with the sensor box and the AirProbe app:

AirProbe Documentation –  features and usage of AirProbe.

Measurement Protocol  –  usage of the sensor box and the basic measuring protocol.

SensorBoxTechnicalSpecs – some technical details about the sensor box, for those with a taste for engineering.


One Comment
  1. We are a group based in Mantova, in the heart of the highly industrialised Po Valley and recently cited in the Italian National Health Institute’s epidemiological report “Sentieri” as the area with highest infant mortality rates in Italy due to environmental issues. We are a SIN (sites of national interest) site in Italy due to the high pollution rates. We have been working autonomously and voluntarily on keeping attention high in this area with regards to pollution and smog, with the objective to providing our children a safe environment in which to grow. We organise conferences, work on projects (last year we set up the largest “Pedibus” – Walking Bus – in ITaly) and work with the local citizens and institutes as well as local and national press to keep attention high and try to better our situation. We also work closely with local doctors and pediatricians. We recently decided to explore purchasing independent air quality monitors to monitor the situation ourselves (with help from local technical experts)and eventually extend the project to the city schools. OUr research has led us to your extremely interesting project and we would be very, very interested in taking part, if at all possible, in the Air Ambassador campaign. Is this at all possible? Many thanks, Tania Hayes for Mantua Mothers (

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